Makes sense* Pink porridge is all the rage these days. This recipe is super easy and tastes great.

Using sense* for busy lives superfood & supplement powder.

How to: Add the oats, almond milk and honey, agave or stevia into a saucepan. Cook the oats on low-to-medium heat on the stove, stirring occasionally, until the oats have softened and absorbed most of the milk. Add in the berries and mix until the berries have mostly broken apart and turned the porridge a lovely pink colour. Take the porridge off the heat and add the serving of sense* for busy lives. Mix until thoroughly combined and serve immediately.

Serves 1


  • 30g rolled oats (porridge oats)
  • 175ml almond milk
  • 30g berries, such as blueberries and strawberries
  • 1 tbsp honey, agave or stevia
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 serving of sense* for busy lives

Nutrition Facts Oats are an incredibly nutrient-rich food. Not only are they high in fibre, protein and B complex vitamins, they also have a well-known cholesterol-lowering effect. By using almond milk, this recipe also has much lower levels of saturated fat than most other porridges. Vitamin C from the berries and the sense* for busy lives formula help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. B complex vitamins from the oats and the sense* for busy lives formula help to increase energy levels, so that you can make the most of your day.