Studies say City dwellers have worse stress

Recent studies have suggested that those who work and/or live in the city experience more depleted energy levels and higher stressful situations, which, in turn, intoxicate our body, spirit and mind.  To reduce stress levels read on.

Stressful situations to note, to reduce stress levels

Below are some popular examples of stressful situations that most city dwellers can relate to:

  • Countless hours spent commuting to and from work during rush hour, feeling claustrophobic from the sheer number of people and being dehydrated to the point of collapse, whilst continuously breathing in the vast array of hazardous gases that city life has to offer.
  • Enduring long(er) meetings at work and endless office hours, without the necessary and vital breaks to clear the mind and recharge the body.
  • Grabbing unhealthy fast food on-the-go, and, in most cases, not affording enough time for the food to be properly digested by the body.
  • Just being encapsulated by the pollution that is in the air we breathe and in, pretty much, everything we touch or live in or around.
  • Simply bombarding ourselves with stress upon stress, which then dominate and cloud our minds, from the moment we wake up to the minute our heads hit the pillow at night.

Stress in the City!

This is why living a citified lifestyle can actually cause you more stress overall, as opposed to living in more countryside environments.

Multiple studies have found that there is a link between busy city life and the onset of mental health issues, which include anxiety disorders and aggression.

In countries with a high standard of living, city residents are as much as 21 percent more likely to develop chronic anxiety  than rural dwellers, and city living may even alter the brain to process stress less effectively!

Ways to reduce stress levels

There are several ways you can deal with the stress that daily trials & city life throws up. Below are some tips that can help you lead a less stressful urban life. They can also be put into good use if you live outside of the city too:

Go green

If you live miles away from the nearest park, then why not bring nature into your living/working space? Research suggests that professionals who have potted plants on their desks are more likely to be productive throughout the day. They also get sick less often.

Eat green

Exposure to pollution destroys essential nutrients that the body needs for its daily metabolic functions. Enzymes that are involved in these processes are also deactivated and can no longer support the body. Green smoothies and fresh salads should make up part of everyone’s daily routine. They provide healthy nutrients and vitamins which fight against the toxins. Add fruit to sweeten that grassy taste too.

Exercise as you travel

Beyond pollution and blaring sirens, the commute alone can be a huge source of stress in cities. If possible, skip the tube/bus and walk/bike to work/meetings instead. You’ll not only get the benefits of exercise, but you’ll help save the planet – and your wallet too.


Studies suggest that learning how to meditate can help reduce city dwellers’ stress levels. So, try breathing in and out slowly or chanting ‘om’ next time you are late for a meeting. It’s amazing how much you can calm the body down in just a few deep breaths.

Try holistic treatments

Holistic treatments may help lower a city dweller’s stress levels to a more normal level. These include body/head massage, reflexology, Ayurveda and healing crystals.

If money is an issue—as one session is not enough to deliver results, why not try traditional herbal remedies?

Gingko biloba and Ginseng are ideal for mind clarity and function, whilst guarana is perfect for energy and alertness.  Read all about 2 types of Ginseng here.

Chamomile can be used for relaxation, and peppermint, ginger and turmeric can aid digestion and reduce upset stomachs.

Our lifestyle surrounds us with stress, but if you take care of your body it will take care of you.