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immune system

  • superfood smoothie for repairing gut

    Frozen berry smoothie recipe (for immune support)

    Frozen berry smoothie (breakfast) This frozen berry smoothie recipe sustained our Founder’s brother, Neil Ebsworth through a worrying time when he got cancer. Not surprisingly, he sticks with it today. Read about how he overcame cancer using diet including having smoothies in the centre of…

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  • Looking after yourself at Christmas

    How to enjoy the festive season and not fall over There are so many stresses and strains on us in December that sometimes we can over do the “good times”.  This can often end badly by us falling over, not literally (although that can happen…

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  • PRESS RELEASE: Vaccine – What do we know?

    Has Anyone Asked How the Vaccine Test Group Was Screened? One of the first things you do when starting a vaccine research trial is to draft a questionnaire so the “guinea pigs/trialists” are effectively screened.  You want to be able to control the people in…

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  • Lock-down or Focused Protection – or the Third Way?

    What’s the Third Way? Let’s look at the options Option 1: Restrict behaviour, restrict movement This is the option that the Government is currently implementing. Why?  Because it worked last time during the first wave, surely it will work again.  Has Boris considered all the…

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  • The mission to thank Keyworkers

    All profit during the pandemic goes to a keyworker charity to say thank you The icing on the cake for us when creating our new immunity product, zinc’d was to be able to gift this project to a good cause and thank keyworkers.  Why?  Because…

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  • The mission to improve the Nation’s immune health

    Whose taking Responsibility for the  Nation’s immune health? On the face of it, as a Nation it seems we don’t collectively have a healthy, properly function immune system. If we did, we surely wouldn’t be back to the level of restrictions that we are seeing…

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  • Getting zinc’d on the public agenda

    Why getting zinc’d made was critical Life was much more straightforward back in March before the coronavirus pandemic had hit .  Getting zinc’d made was nowhere. None of us would have thought that we would have lived through a lock-down by now.  Where the Government…

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  • The body’s defences: intervention v. balance

    By Joan Ebsworth, guest writer for sense*, biologist and mother of sense* Founder, Jonathan on the debate between the theories between Pasteur and Bechamp.  A debate that plot the course of medicine for over a century and has had a profound affect on how we…

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  • Feeling rubbish? Why we don’t feel great all the time

    Feeling rubbish is the norm.  Why? No-one has really come up with a clear cut reason why we are feeling rubbish a lot of the time or why we all get ill every winter. Why niggling colds and flu cannot be shaken quickly. Why some…

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  • Coping with stress – how are you doing?

    Coping with stress in time of COVID Life is not currently easy.  Many of us have huge stresses that have been forced upon us by all the changes from living through a global pandemic. So how are you doing? Change in itself adds more stress onto you.…

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  • Immune system – part 6 – The role of the nervous system 

    By Joan Ebsworth, guest writer for sense*, biologist and mother of sense* Founder, Jonathan on the immune system and role of the nervous system, part 6 of her review of the immune system.  If you have enjoyed this series but would prefer a video series,…

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  • My own personal immunity supplements regime

    Immunity supplements regime We received a request from a customer whose daughter had just caught the COVID-19 virus.  She was asking which immunity supplements we would recommend for her to take. Firstly, the request itself is humbling so thank you Kate for showing trust in…

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